How To Style Arrow Of HTML Accordion



To change the arrow of an HTML accordion, we need to use the pseudo-element ::marker on the summary tag.

summary::marker {
content: '\f138' ' ';
/* Required for FA icons */
font-family: 'Font Awesome 5 Free';
font-weight: 700;

To change the default, all you need to do is add a content property and an appropriate value. In this example, I'm using Font Awesome to get a Chevron icon. Notice how I've added a 2nd empty string to create some right-hand spacing.

Chevron Icon Before Summary Title

Custom Chevron icon

Opened accordion

To change the icon of an opened accordion, we must take advantage of the dynamically generated open attribute on the details tag.

details[open] summary::marker {
content: '\f13a' ' ';

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