Create An Ordered List In DOCX JS



Regarding ordered or numbered lists, I've found the DOCX documentation to be quite sparse, even differing πŸ™ƒ from provided examples on their GitHub page. Here's what has worked for me.

The configuration of your ordered list is set in the Document object:

const doc = new docx.Document({
// numbering: { ... } - insert ordered list configuration here

In the configuration object, you may have one or multiple styles defined. Notice πŸ‘ˆ that the leveling starts at 0.

const numbering = {
config: [
// May contain multiple styles
reference: "numbering-style-1",
levels: [
level: 0,
format: "upperRoman",
text: "%1)", // results in '1)', '2)', etc.
alignment: AlignmentType.START,
style: {
paragraph: {
indent: { left: 720, hanging: 260 },
level: 1,
format: "decimal",
text: "%2.", // results in '1.', '2.', etc.
alignment: AlignmentType.START,
style: {
paragraph: {
// Increase indentation for nested levels
indent: { left: 1440, hanging: 980 },
// And so on...

In the body of your document, you need to explicitly inform your list to use your custom numbering style by referencing its ID. In addition, you also need to define the level of each list item.

new Paragraph({
text: "Some ordered item",
numbering: {
reference: "numbering-style-1",
level: 0,


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