How To Change Line Width Using Slider In HTML5 Canvas
A slider is one of those cool must-have features of any drawing app. And it's surprisingly easy to implement! Let's start off with a simple slider and some configuration.
<input type="range" min="1" max="10" value="2" />
Be sure to set the default value of lineWidth
equals to that of the slider. In our example, that would be 2
Whenever the user moves the slider, we want to update the canvas property lineWidth
. For this, we attach a custom function to the onchange
event attribute.
<input onchange='changeWidth(this.value)' type="range" min="1" max="10" value="2" />
We get the new value by explicitly passing in this.value
. The function itself is pretty straightforward.
const changeWidth = value => context.lineWidth = value
Once again, check out my Codepen for the whole thing in action!